Saturday, October 17, 2009

Let's Get Cookin'

Here it is - our very own "Michigan Mormon Mom Cooking Blog"! Now that's a mouthful. You must be added as an author before you can post so I will be sending out e-mails to those whose addresses I have, if you don't get an invite soon,  please e-mail me at so I can add you as an author. I'm not going to bother asking who wants to be added because I'm sure you ALL do! When you post a recipe please make sure to Label it (down in the bottom right hand corner when you are posting there is a space to add a Label for the post. For each recipe just type in what type of dish it is: main course, casserole, soup, salad, dessert, drink.... you get the idea) This way we can keep track of all the recipes and make it easy to look them up later. I am super excited to see all the great recipes.
Now - let's get cookin'